Does Lab Management Software automatically update patient record?

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Hospital software is the key component of Hospital. It deals with all the parts of hospital and its management. Medical service arrangement is the adjustable hospital management system which cooperates with the OPD and IPD management, Radiology ward, Pharmacy, Online appointment, Secured messaging, scheduling, doctor portal, family portals, billing, medical electronics and HR and Payroll.

EMR Software includes all the important information of patients, which is used to making decisions in future. EMR also helps to make the decision on accurate time. The information changes with the patient, specialist, and the hospital or even across the state or country.

Medical practice Management software deals with day to day operations of medical practice. This software quickly allows managing patient appointments, listing maintenance, scheduling, and payroll and generating reports. Practice management software includes the calendar and scheduling component. These components allow the staff to track and create upcoming patient visit records. Software also allows double booking.

Lab management software manages all the activities of laboratory. Lab management software is developing concept with number of new features. As well as the laboratory demands changed the LMS function will likely to change also.

Cloudpital lab management software is the module that is used by pathology lab to record and broadcast the information about the tests. The Lab department receives online request from the doctors and then allow the Laboratory to generate the request.

Features of Lab Management Software:

  • Animal Study Management
  • Animal Facility Management
  • Workflow Management
  • Prioritization Queues & Worklist Management
  • Lab Inventory & Storage Management
  • Lab Project Management
  • Electronic Document Management
  • Laboratory Automation & Integration
  • Automated Data Capture & Reduction
  • Chemistry & Chem-informatics
  • Molecular Biology, Cell Culture & Bioinformatics
  • High Throughput Screening (Hts)
  • Security
  • Environmental Monitoring

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Phone#: +61386585993


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