Project approaches


Our team can independently develop and maintain your iOS and Android mobile applications, or we can collaborate with your team on a joint development effort.


Our team can code the processes that drive your business, accounting, and marketing functions.

Mobile and backend

When you need to develop a backend solution to support your mobile app, our backend team provides everything you need.


If you need a web application, our front-end team helps you achieve your goals.

Management or admin panel

We design and develop user-friendly admin panels for mobile and web applications. We deploy UI solutions that are reliable and easy to support and extend.


We can integrate virtually any third-party technology by using application programming interfaces (APIs).


We are fluent in the software development kits (SDKs) and libraries of multiple platforms.


Our team has extensive experience integrating third-party technologies and products:

Payment platforms

PayPal, Stripe, Square, and

CRM systems

Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive and Zoho

Help desks

Zendesk and Freshdesk

Communication APIs

Twilio, Sendgrid, and Mailchimp


Google and Apple

Project Stages and Flow

Depending on your current project stage Bilytica can work-out and
suggest the most effective plan to archive your goals, launch or
release a new version that your users will love.


Discovery stage

To efficiently plan and run your project, we start with discovery. In this four-step stage, we collaborate with you to align functionality, prioritize business goals, coordinate strategy, and prototype future products. During discovery, we also define your deadlines and budget.


Design stage

After developing a prototype wireframe, our design team starts to create your application style (the app’s “look and feel”). In this stage, we provide you with a full set of UI screens to use for further development.


Development stage

Product development typically evolves across multiple releases, including a minimum viable product (MVP) for the earliest possible release. To speed the process, we use Agile development with short sprints, and we run the development stage in parallel with design wireframes, documentation, and mockups.


Ongoing development, support, and maintenance stage

After releasing the MVP, our team performs new sprints to speed new releases with additional functionality. And we support and maintain the latest version of the launched app.

Discovery Stage

In Bilytica project flow, the critical discovery
stage includes four segments.


PRD (Documentation)

The product requirements document is a comprehensive specification and plan for product creation. The PRD specifies your business needs, describes the associated technical requirements, and helps plan all stages of your product development.



A wireframe is a visual prototype of your product that shows all application screens and user flows. We can develop a dynamic prototype that you can test with project teams and alpha users., and demonstrate to your investors and business partners.



If you need deeper technical research and analysis, more extensive testing of an existing solution, or ideation of a new solution, we will allocate the necessary resources for research and development.


Product strategy

If you are in the early stages of development, we can help you choose the best ideas to fulfill your product vision. Our team will brainstorm with you on functionality, define the solution scope and logic, develop a wireframe, plan the next stages of development, and schedule releases. Our process ensures that we mutually understand and agree on your product goals.

Q: Already have a PRD, wireframe, or initial design?

A: That’s great. Our design and engineering team will analyze your project
to determine the remaining scope of work and suggest a vision for the next stages of development.

Development formats and billing

Time & Materials

An exceptional, user-friendly backend environment requires agile, flexible ideation and an ability to pivot and adapt according to changing needs. With our time and materials approach, you won’t need to overpay for risk contingencies you may not need.

Read our blog for a full analysis


We believe in Agile development. Agile backend development involves the use of a series of short sprints, which allow for quick and transparent progress in your project. We apply our nimble and responsive ideologies to each backend project, incorporating your feedback along the way, and adjusting priorities as needed. Rather than relying on the restrictive linear waterfall approach, Agile ensures we can provide a highly flexible service resulting in a custom backend solution which earns your approval at every stage.

UI/UX design, prototyping

Your user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are keys to your success. Our UI development process is dynamic and iterative, based on prototypes, user feedback, and analytics that let us see your UI through your customers’ eyes. Our progressive UI development also saves you time and money, because it eliminates late, unexpected scope changes.

Adherence to industry best practices and technology standards

To add value to your business, we use analytics to refine your product and maximize your return on investment. We make data-driven decisions on UX/UI to help to maximize conversions and profits. Our engineers integrate your goals and metrics to build conversion funnels, going far beyond simple tracking pixels.

Compliance with security standards and policies

We follow industry best practices to help you comply with SOC 2 data management requirements, PCI DSS, GDPR, and HIPAA healthcare laws when needed. We also provide version control and automatic code and data backups to ensure product continuity and protect you against critical data loss.

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