Mobile Health Solutions | Mobile EMR

Mobile Health Solutions | Mobile EMR


  • Appointment Details: patient name, procedure type, and duration of procedure by date and/or office
  • Patient Demographics: photo, contact information, allergies, ICDs, notes, prescriptions, vitals and insurance information
  • Check-in/Out: change offices, add notes, view demographics, assign rooms, change visit status, record vitals
  • MyTasks: document pdfs, visit note details, faxes, reminders, tasks, status, and labs ordered, to be ordered, received and reviewed
  • Visit Notes: medications, labs, prescription refills, immunotherapy, etc.
  • Health maintenance and chronic care management tools


  • Mobile device flexibility via Apple iPad, iPhone, and Android mobile platforms
  • Immediate access to important patient care information
  • Convenient means for providing care beyond the practice walls
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