The VIDA healthcare platform is utilized by over 50 healthcare providers, serving more than 8,000 physicians and managing a network of over 9,000 hospital beds. Impressively, the platform has generated over 6.6 million medical records, showcasing its widespread adoption and impact in the healthcare industry.
Healthcare Providers Using VIDA
Physicians Using
Number Of Beds Managed By VIDA
Medical Records Created Using VIDA
VIDA system is a complete paperless electronic health record (EHR) system that allows clinical professionals to easily document and retrieve clinical information of patients, creating a digital record that they update with each new encounter. VIDA EHR is a real-time, patient-centered record that makes information available instantly and securely to authorized users, While an EHR does contain the medical and treatment histories of patients.
VIDA is a pure cloud Native Web based information system that uses virtual servers and Internet web services to run and use the system. Care provider can run and use the VIDA system without having their own hardware and software.
VIDA system is bi-directional integration with several medical devices.
VIDA is a modular structure system, it consists of several Clinical specialized medical & administration modules. System can be implemented fully or partially based on end user actual needs. Hospitals and other healthcare organizations can implement the system gradually and in phases based on their needs.
VIDA system is designed and developed in simple way to understand and adapt by all types of end users. It is responsive where it will notify and alert users with any wrong action or missing data before user can proceed.
VIDA system includes wide range of specialized modules that used to run and ma manage all activities of specialized clinics like Dental, Renal, Infection Control and much more.
VIDA supports the virtual patient’s electronic health records (EHR) where it will be shared between different doctors, also supports virtual doctors where patient can make appointments, pay online and make consultations with them while he is at home in a secure and environment.
VIDA system was designed and developed around the patient involvement and fully engagement in the medical care practice while care professionals focus on caring for them. Through the VIDA Mobile, VIDA system allows patients to better monitor their own health outside the hospital or the clinic through functions such as secure direct messaging
VIDA system was designed & developed based on the national and internal healthcare standards, government regulatory, best proven care practices, and diversity of health care professional’s expertise. It helps the care providers to improve the high quality standards of the health care and the CBAHI, JCIA, HIMSS stage 6, and CAP accreditation process as well.
VIDA system is a user customized, it allows the end user to define their own tailored data entry templates when they can reference and use for entry of data. This will save Physician time, reduce mistake and raise the quality of care. End user can activate the spell-check tool so dictation errors can be reduced dramatically.
VIDA is a configurable and setup managed system, system admin user can setup the operational environment according to actual site needs. VIDA supports the process of establishing and maintaining consistency of a modules performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life.
Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) is a module that is used to create and maintain consistent and accurate information about each patient registered by a healthcare organization to maintain accurate medical data across its various hospital departments
This module allows end user to create and maintain doctor’s registration information, schedule create their working schedule and create their Rota. Appointments module allows the management of patient’s visits and appointments. A receptionist can book appointments for patients in advance or walk-in visits here, checking the availability of Doctors in clinics and hospitals, through this module.
This module stands for Admissions, Discharges and Transfers. Admissions are classified as either elective or non-elective. An elective admission is a planned admission, when individuals know in advance that they will be entering a health care facility. A non-elective or emergency admission is one in which admission to a health care facility has suddenly become necessary.
The Patient Health Record is the main core function of the VIDA system, it allows the healthcare professionals to manage and maintain the complete patient health record from the patient’s arrival for a consultation or admission, until he leaves or discharged from the hospital with medications.
EDIS module plays a significant role in supporting the emergency department (ED) patient’s workflow. It enables gathering, refining, sorting, and inferring the information correctly and timely for use by ED physicians and nurses.
VIDA OR book module is designed to run smooth patient’s journey starting form booking until patient’s detail surgery medical information documentation. Patients can be assured of even greater safety and security, since there is far less risk of paperwork errors. Operating lists can be monitored and managed far more efficiently
Critical care module is used to run the hospital Intensive Care Units for patients with high intensive care and need close observations. ICU many medical devices are used to continually monitor extremely sick patients where vast amounts of information are produced. This information allows clinicians to make the right decisions.
Labor and Delivery book is a complete clinical module used to record the labor and delivery detail stages information. It is a care tool for the labor room to manage and integrate activities involved, facilitating a smooth flow of operations within the unit. LDR module accommodates recording clinical information with similar extensions and provides the labor book to record the maternal and fetal information.
Infection Control module was developed to assist in enhancing compliance to evidence-based quality process measures to improve patient care. This module is equipped with information and management of data for infection control staff to manage patients. The module encompasses with a dashboard for infection control team to view the IC data of the hospital. Through the infection control component in clinical module, nurses and IC staff can enter the infection control management details of patients using bundles or diagnosed as infected.
Pharmacy module manages the entire medication prescriptions & dispensation workflow of the inpatients and outpatients in the hospital. It is integrated with external databases for drug. It is a multi-functional system that allows pharmacists to maintain the supply and organization of drugs stock, helps decrease medication errors, increase patient safety, report drug usage, and track costs
Laboratory module function is to receive and process all patient’s Laboratory orders either outpatient or inpatient. LIS supports the modern laboratory’s operations, patient’s data tracking support, flexible architecture, and data exchange interfaces, system receives, processes, and stores all related data to be reviewed by hospital staff. It supports Sample management, instrument and application integration and Electronic data exchange
Blood bank module handles all the activities of a blood bank from registering a donor to completion of transfusion of blood. All these activities involved are automated through the system, making the blood bank data secure and reliable. The module is comprised of a dedicated dashboard for donor management and blood donations. The blood bank staff is equipped with all the functions required to manage their data through this module, restricted with different authorization levels
Dental Health Information System (DHIS) is a complete information system providing dentists a seamless and paperless environment to save patient dental treatment details against each visit. It supports patient’s booking and scheduling, treatment plans & estimation costs, teeth charts, Intra-oral cameras integration, digital radiography, and integration with dental lab.
Renal Dialysis module enables healthcare professionals caring for their dialysis patients and allows them to record and maintain patients accurate detail information for better treatment monitoring and planning. It is a complete module for Hemodialysis treatment process for end stage renal failure where the function of the kidneys to remove harmful substances and excess fluids from the blood is replaced by a machine.
The Sick leave function is used by Doctor to grant patient rest at home due to his medical condition. The sick leave granted should be initiated by authorized treatment Doctor, it should be reviewed and approved by another Doctor and medical director as well. It allows patient to follow up and view their leaves without visiting the hospital
VIDA Billing module designed and developed to handle all hospital billing and financial needs. It includes the services pricing, insurance contracts, invoicing, claims and payment settlement. The module allows business office staff to define the valid medical services complete profile available in the hospital, define customers profile, contracts and business rules between the hospital and insurance companies. The module is capable to handle all coverage rules, discounts, business promotions, types of these insurance business rules and different payment modes as well.
The form builder component allows admin staff to build custom forms required in specific scenarios of each module. These forms can be created making use of existing fields, widgets, components as well as by adding new fields as required. The admin can also assign rules or expressions for the forms when creating them through this module
The Reporting module is used to provide reporting framework to the end user so that they can generate and customize their own reports easily. System allows user to search for data source and create those non existing.
This module is specifically made to upload, store and manage electronic documents and electronic images of paper based information related to Patients, captured through the use of a document scanner, in order to help Clinicians, keep track of Patients medical history
VIDA security module is responsible of management of system end users including user registration, role creation & assigning, assigning with authorization levels, management of various user level restrictions and all types of system related security aspects. This module fundamentally takes care of the holistic security related matters of VIDA modules, and is accessible only by super admins and dedicated admin staff