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Cloudpital New Enhancement (11-12-2023) – Release Notes version 1.12

Table of Contents

Cloudpital has been updated with the following Enhancements:

  1. Added the Advanced Package Derma Process Session Wise Appointment Though Client Procedure:

Here you can find details of the option in the new release. 


  1. Added the Advanced Package Derma Process Session Wise Appointment Though Client Procedure:

    Steps:  #

              a.Get The advanced Payment through specific Pkg

              b.Make an Appointment for that user.

              c.Go Bill>Client Procedure> Selected pkg shown there.

              d.Click on the i icon to view the details.

              e.Select the first pkg session service and update the appointment.

         f . Now generate the invoice against this appointment and use the  advanced amount specific portion.

         e.generated.After generating the invoice name of the person who generate the invoice will be shown in the Client Procedure (i) detail Section.

              g.Now go to the View Clinical Note and complete this service.

Note #

  •   In this process we don’t need to add an every time Specific service and generate an invoice we just need to make an appointment on specific require day and select the pkg Session service and generate invoice against that invoice until we all use the advanced amount or Last Session. 

  • The advanced amount only used again in this pkg session it will not apply on Local services.


Go to Bill Payment => Add new

Search the patient’s Name and click on New Advanced

  • Select the Pkg item

  •  add the advanced amount

  • Select the Doctor

Click on Save Button

Make an Appointment for that Patient

Click on appointment and Go to Bill

Selected Pkg Session is shown in Client Procedure

Click on the i section detail

Add the First Session and Update the Appointment

Now Generate the Invoice Against this Pkg Session

Use advanced Amount

Now complete this service in Clinical Note

After Completing the service through Clinical Note the name of the User shown in the Client Procedure  who complete this service.

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