Posting a purchase invoice and purchase order in Cloudpital is a simple and straightforward process.
Purchase Order:
- Click on the Purchase Order tab and select the purchase order that you want to post.
- Click on the Post button and select the Posting Date. Enter any additional information that is required, such as the Invoice Number and the Invoice Date.
- Click on the Post button again to complete the process.
Purchase Invoice:
- To post a purchase invoice, go to the Accounts Payable module and select the Invoice tab.
- Select the invoice that you want to post and click on the Post button. Enter the Posting Date and any other required information. Click on the Post button again to complete the process.
It is important to note that before you can post a purchase invoice or purchase order, you must first ensure that all the necessary information has been entered correctly. This includes the vendor information, item details, and pricing information.