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How Receptionist View Doctor in Cloudpital?

As a Receptionist in a medical facility, it is important to have a clear understanding of how to view doctors in Cloudpital.

If you need to find a specific doctor, you can use the search function in the Doctor List section.

Click on the view in this screen  select the Appointment Views of Doctor to set the view about Doctor Specialty 

Simply enter the doctor’s name or other relevant details, and Cloudpital will show you a list of matching results.

By click on the plus add. In here the Receptionist can add the new Appointment View about Doctors Specialty .Select the any Doctor which Receptionist want to add in appointment view. 

Write the name of the view  in View Name Field. After selecting doctor click on the Save button .

When the Receptionist save it. It will be show in the main view .

By keeping these key points in mind, you can ensure that you are able to effectively manage doctor information in Cloudpital and provide the best possible service to your patients.

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