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How Does the TeleHealth Appointment Process Work in CloudPital

 Create Telehealth appointment

Go to the schedule screen.

Click on any slot, and the appointment detail screen will appear.

In the patient field, search for the patient you want to create an appointment with.

After selecting the patient, go to the appointment type and select Telehealth as the type of appointment.

After selecting Telehealth as the appointment type, click on the Save button to create the appointment.

Doctor’s Screen:

Now click on appointment the appointment detail screen will appear.

From this screen click on Clinical Note.

The clinical Note screen will appear.

This is the Doctor screen from where the Doctor will start the session and the patient will join.

In the upper right corner, there is an icon for the Telehealth feature.

When the doctor clicks on the telehealth icon the session will start.


Here doctor can see the patient and talk to the patient.

Patient’s Screen:

This is the patient screen where you can see there is an appointment for the patient.

Now click on the appointment.

The patient can join the session from the Join in Button.

When the session starts, the doctor and patient can see each other through the Telehealth appointment feature and proceed with the session.

Doctor screen:(from web app)

Patient’s Screen: (From mobile app)

There are buttons for audio, video, and call cancel. Both the doctor and patient can enable or disable video and audio. The time is also displayed at the top. Once the time is completed, the call will automatically end on both sides.

This is how CloudPital’s Telehealth feature works.


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