Sometimes, the quantity of your items could change without creating any sales or purchases transactions.
Some of your items are damaged due to mishandling or while shipping. In this case, the available stock has to be reduced without creating a sales transaction.
You could sometimes get additional items from your vendors as incentives. Here, your available stock has to be increased without creating a purchase transaction.
In Erpisto, these scenarios are accommodated using Quantity Adjustment.
- Create Inventory Adjustments
To create an inventory adjustment in Erpisto
- Go to Items > Inventory Adjustments.
- Click + Make an Adjustment.
- Select Quantity Adjustment as per your requirement.
- Select the Account in which you would like to track the adjustments and the Reason for making the inventory adjustment.
- Click Save.
- Delete Inventory Adjustments
To create an inventory adjustment in Erpisto
- To delete an inventory adjustment that you’ve created in Erpisto:
- Go to Items > Inventory Adjustments.
- Select the inventory adjustment and click the Trash icon on the right side of the page.
- Click Delete to confirm