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How to Ojoor (Payroll Integration ) works in Cloudpital?

Ojoor is a Payroll integration feature in Cloudpital that allows users to manage employee salaries and benefits with ease. Here’s how it works:

1.After the Integration click on the Payroll Setup to integrate 

2.Select the Payroll and Service Termination Benefits.

3.Its’s Successfully saved.

4. Then go to the Home and click on Pay.

5.In this screen click on the Run New Payroll.

6.After click on the Run New Payroll select the OfficeLocation,Designation,Department and Employee type.

7.When we  click on Run the status should Draft.

8.In the screen select and click on post

9.Now the status is Pending 

10.Click on the Approved

11.Select and click on the Finalized

12.Select and click on Submit & Approve

13.Click on the send Cloudpital.

14. Go back to the here is the Payroll which you send to cloudpital.

Overall, Ojoor simplifies the payroll process by automating calculations and ensuring compliance with local regulations. With Ojoor, employers can focus on other aspects of their business while ensuring that their employees are paid accurately and on time.

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