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How to Add a Prescription for Admitted Patients in the IPD Module in CloudPital


The next screen is Prescription, where you can create and manage the patient’s medication details.

Here, you will see different fields on this screen. You need to fill in these fields as required.

Select the Drug name.

Enter the Sig Note, which specifies how the medicine is prescribed, including details such as how many times a day or week it should be taken. You can add manually or from the settings option you can select different values.

If you click on the settings option, the prescription instructions screen will appear from where you can select the details about how the drug should be prescribed to the patient.

After filling in all the fields click on the SAVE Button.

When you click on the save button (Saved Successfully) message will appear and the record of the Prescription will be saved in the list.

Here are action icons from where you can edit or delete any record.


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