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How Does WhatsApp Business Integration Work in CloudPital

Patient File Settings:

Now go to Patient files and Create or Select a patient’s File.

Select the patient whose personal information you want to edit.

Go to the Personal Information of that selected patient.

Now enter a valid Phone number in this selected field (The number on which WhatsApp is created).

After entering a valid Phone number click on Update.

The patient’s information will be updated successfully.

Appointment Detail Setting:

Now go to the Appointment details of that patient and here you see a check box named (send SMS).  Mark the checkbox to start the process.

After selecting the checkbox, create an appointment for that patient.

Select the patient and click the Save button. An appointment will be created for that patient.

When an appointment is created on the schedule screen, a message will appear saying “SMS Sent.” This means a reminder message has been sent to the patient’s valid mobile number via WhatsApp.

Whatsapp Message:

To receive appointment messages on WhatsApp, we first need to connect to the sender (Twilio). To do this, we send a message saying “Join farm-clay” to Twilio in chat. Twilio will respond, confirming the connection, and the system will display “All Set.”

Now every time when you create an appointment for this patient, a message will sent to the patient on WhatsApp.


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